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Vision and Mission

The mission of the FE is to provide quality and compatible education with academic standards in the field of economics, building research and scientific capacities that serve the community in advancing skills and experiences for employment, innovation, economic development and social welfare.

The vision of the FE is based on the achievement and creation of competition in the market of knowledge, scientific research, and student and academic mobility with the Economics Faculties of the Universities of the region and European countries.


  • Upgrading the curricula of study programs and their adaptation to market demands;
  • Applying modern methods of education through application of advanced information technology;
  • Expanding the network of international academic partners and sharing good practices;
  • Advancement of research capacities in areas of interest to FE;
  • Increasing participation in scientific activities (congresses, conferences, seminars, workshops, etc.).
  • Broader student involvement in mobility, research and research projects with academic staff;
  • Deepening cooperation and exchange of experiences with the business community, including SMEs,
  • Cultivate collaborative relationships with external stakeholders, including Alumni (graduate students), government organizations, NGOs and the business community.

In addition, FE promotes universal, group and individual values as follows:

  • Freedom of expression and academic-scientific work in order to ensure the expression of a different opinion;
  • Continuous improvement of quality in educational process and scientific-research work;
  • Competitiveness within the faculty as an additional value to academic and scientific development;
  • Transparency and expression of critical thinking;
  • Cohesion with labor market demands;
  • Meritocracy as the universal value of recognizing individual and group contributions;
  • Linguistic, ethnic and cultural diversity as a source of additional value from the macro environment of the Prizren region;
  • Social and gender equality as a value of empowering marginalized social status and the role of women;
  • Financial sustainability through diversification of sources of financing of FE activities;
  • Close cooperation with the business community of Prizren region